The Commonwealth Quartet began in 1993 by Bobby Simpson when he asked Dewayne Harris to join the group as the tenor, which was met with resistance by Dewayne, who was singing in another quartet. Bass, Charley Witty and lead, Gary Martin soon joined the group. As three of the members lived in Kentucky, they came up with the name The Commonwealth Quartet. There have been very few personell changes over the years with Steve Barour and then Shane Harris at the lead position, Tom Sammons at baritone, and Larry Mayfield and Kevin Sanderson at bass. That was until December 2019 when Tom passed away, Kevin resigned due to a family health issue and Shane decided to retire. Dewayne was at a crossroads. He went to God in fervent prayer and told God that if h\He wanted the group to continue, then HE would have to put it together...then God began to move in a mighty way. One by one He led the new members to Dewayne and the current arrangement was formed.
Product(s) Mentioned:

Dewayne Harris
The original tenor and founding member of the Commonwealth Quartet. He makes his home in Gallatin, Tennessee with his wife Mara. Dewayne and Mara have three children and ten grandchildren and two schnauzers named Tucker and Tillie. Dewayne has been singing since the age of thirteen, He has sung in revivals, concerts and church services wherever he was invited. Singing in a quartet has been his hearts desire since he was a child. Dewayne has followed quartets since childhood, and many of them have been his heroes.

Curtis Morrison
The lead singer of the Commonwealth Quartet. Curtis brings a rich 50 year experience to Commonwealth. He has had his own group for the past several years. Curtis previously sang in the Yours Truly Trio. Curtis also sang with gospel legend David Reece and the Rangers. Curtis' mother Judy wrote a southern gospel standard made famous by the Kingsmen Quartet, "Child, Child" known all over southern gospel music circles. Curtis has a clear and solid lead that will compliment the quartet. He lives in Clarksville Tennessee.

Bobby SImpson
Rejoined the Commonwealth Quartet. After seventeen years Bobby returned to the group that he and Dewayne started in 1994. Bobby brings a great amount of experience to the group. Bobby started at a young age with the Gospel Five. He then joined the Melody Makers. He was the long time baritone for the Ambassadors of Nashville, where Dewayne first heard him sing. He was most recently associated with Southland. Bobby has a rich, strong baritone voice that you will be sure to enjoy. Bobby and his wife Dana, who is playing piano for the group, have four daughters and 3 grandchildren. Bobby and Dana make their home in Scottsville. Kentucky.
Richard Harris
Joins the quartet with one of the deepest and strongest voices in gospel music. Richard is a classically trained bass vocalist performing the basso profundo roles in operas. He has been member of the professional choral ensemble The Heimermann Chorale for 4 years and he is a voice actor. Richard had a local quartet with his father many years ago and filled in with the Fox Brothers at one point. He also sang bass on The Grand Ole Opry in the mid 1990's. He has been involved in gospel music for over thirty years. He was a long time employee of the Eddie Crook Company. He was involved with the publishing company, Chesnut Mound Music Group where one of his songwriters was none other than lead singer, Curtis Morrison's mother Judy Morrison. Richard has been involved with Pete Rose Live as the announcer and director of this live theatrical show. We think that you will enjoy Richard's singing as he adds a solid bottom to the quartet. Richard at the present time makes his home in Joelton Tennessee.